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online content accessibility tester rates?


From: Mike Warner
Date: Sep 6, 2016 9:23AM

Hello all,

it's gotten to the point where I think that we need to have a true
accessibility tester on retainer or at least available to us. Our
seemingly ever-accelerating pace of development of courses and features
means that my team and I just don't have the time needed to dedicate to
thorough testing, acquisition of knowledge of AT quirks, etc.

I have a meeting tomorrow AM to discuss this with my boss, and would like
to be prepared with an idea of hourly rates that we could expect to be

If the testers on the list please shoot me your rates and/or what you've
seen as the rate scale, that would not only be great for the meeting, but
it would give us a list of candidates to interview as we go forward with
this. Feel free to email me directly with your rates, if you prefer.

Thank you,

Mike Warner
Director of IT Services
MindEdge, Inc.