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Re: Indicating primar and secondary action links to screen readers


From: Caitlin Geier
Date: Sep 6, 2016 2:47PM

Birkir! Hi!

The only thing I can think of is to address it via reading order. That is,
have the primary action come first in the reading order, and the secondary
action second. I also think it'd make sense to put the primary action first
in the tab order. I would be inclined to keep the text as is, offscreen or

I'm less sure about whether the visual order should match, since it's
fairly common to place the primary action on the far right, and there is
some usability research that indicates this placement is preferable. Also,
and I speak from experience, some designers are very opinionated about
where their buttons are placed. :)


On Tue, Sep 6, 2016 at 4:38 PM, Jim Homme < <EMAIL REMOVED> > wrote:

> Hi Birkir,
> We try to advocate for as little off-screen content as possible here. Our
> view is that any site should try to make an equivalent experience for as
> wide as possible audience of people with disabilities. If you create
> off-screen controls, for example, people with motor disabilities who have
> site might tab onto them and get confused when focus disappears, and the
> same for people with inteellectual disabilities.
> Thanks.
> Jim
> =========> Jim Homme,
> Accessibility Consultant,
> Bender HighTest Accessibility Team
> Bender Consulting Services, Inc.,
> 412-787-8567,
> http://www.benderconsult.com/our%20services/hightest-
> accessible-technology-solutions
> E+R=O