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JAWS and Describedby


From: Jamous, JP
Date: Sep 14, 2016 1:45PM


I know JAWS 17 has issues. I mean personal issues with aria-describedby. Yet, what I am observing does not make any darn sense to me. Can someone shed any light on this?

JAWS 17 fires up the aria-describedby when the password text box gets focus. That's how it should be. However, if I type the first character, JAWS fires the aria-describedby again. If I continue to type, JAWS does not fire the aria-describedby.

If I switch to Firefox with JAWS 17, the behavior is different and as it should be. JAWS fires up aria-describedby only when the text box gets the focus.

I cannot figure out for the life of me why JAWS 17 and IE 11 re-fire the aria-describedby when the first character is typed in the text box.

Here is my code, you can put it in a note pad and test it.

I need a solution to this or a work around if any of you know of one.

<label for="Password1">
<input type="password" aria-describedby="sc-validatr-15 password-hints" required="" id="Password1" />
<span role="alert" id="sc-validatr-15">
Please enter a strong password.
<div id="password-hints">
Why create a strong password?
Account security is becoming more and more important all the time. And in order to keep your account safe, we need your help. We know that creating a strong and unique password might not be easy, but it can be fun. Try using an inside joke, a rhyme, or a reference to something only you would know.