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Re: Braille Displays


From: Rolf Mager
Date: Dec 6, 2016 7:06AM

Usually, people also have a (standard) computer keyboard attached in addition to the braille display. Filling out text boxes and such is then done using the computer keyboard. But braille displays are also input devices - you also have buttons and switches and other controls to interact with the computer/app. For example, usually there is a button per braille module, a routing key, to click on an object at a particular position. With other controls you are able to navigate through the content.

Best wishes,

> Am 06.12.2016 um 14:35 schrieb JP Jamous < <EMAIL REMOVED> >:
> Thank you folks. That was exactly what I thought. One other question.
> When you read, you use the Braille Display to read only. So how do you provide input feedback to the machine such as filling out text boxes or selecting radio buttons?