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Re: Braille Displays


From: Birkir R. Gunnarsson
Date: Dec 6, 2016 7:08AM

For me check boxes and radiobuttons show up as a pari of angled brackets < >
When I check/select them an x appears between the opening and closing
bracket, and the screen reader provides the speech feedback
(checked/not checked).
The type of control shows up as a 3 letter code to the left of the box
(cbx for checkbox and rbt for radiobutton).
I'll do somWHen I have time I should do a little write-up based on
actual examples .. it's just that spare time is such a rare commodity.

On 12/6/16, Jonathan Avila < <EMAIL REMOVED> > wrote:
>> When you read, you use the Braille Display to read only. So how do you
>> provide input feedback to the machine such as filling out text boxes or
>> selecting radio buttons?
> Many Braille displays also have keys for input including chorded input and
> allow you to enter text via Braille input from the display to the browser or
> whatever app is being used. Also the Braille keys can be used for
> navigation purposes.
> Here is an article about the support on iOS
> http://www.applevis.com/guides/braille-ios-voiceover/guide-braille-screen-input-ios
> Jonathan
> Jonathan Avila
> Chief Accessibility Officer
> SSB BART Group
> 703.637.8957 (Office)
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