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Making Sure of ARIA Screen Reading Settings


From: Jim Homme
Date: Dec 6, 2016 1:10PM

If someone would please guide me in this area, thanks ahead of time. I'm using JAWS 18. I was looking at a site that I thought was using ARIA Assertive. The developer said it was using ARIA polite, and I went in and tried to look at the tags with the JAWS key stroke that shows the outward nestings of tags, and sure enough, I did see that assertive was being used. The symptom, though, is that JAWS is still being interrupted between key strokes. I tried to make sure that JAWS was set up correctly but can't seem to locate the right spot in the Settings Center. Can anyone point me to where to go to make sure that JAWS is set up correctly for this testing? I think the same question would also be in order for NVDA, but I haven't yet attempted to look through its settings for ARIA settings.


=========Jim Homme,
Team Lead and Accessibility Consultant,
Bender HighTest Accessibility Team
Bender Consulting Services, Inc.,