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Re: Evaluation tools that prompt user for manual checks


From: Jonathan Avila
Date: Dec 8, 2016 4:11PM

> Does anyone know about the status, availability, or quality of WCAG evaluation tools that prompt users to look at checkpoints that require some degree of manual inspection? These may be called "Step-by-Step" or "wizard-based" evaluation tools:

Our AMP toolbar indicates possible violations to be reviewed by a human in addition to automatic, and manual violations. For manual violations test steps are given to verify the issue is a violation or not. Some but not all manual or automatic tests have associated visual checks such as those that highlight headings, lists, or other elements on the page for the user. We do not have a wizard that forces the user through each image, etc. as we find that would be overwhelming and not practical to click through every single element for hundreds if not thousands of checks.


Jonathan Avila
Chief Accessibility Officer
703.637.8957 (Office)

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