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RE: Looking for a tool to evaluate web content behind a login screen/page.
From: Paul Bohman
Date: Jul 31, 2003 11:43AM
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- Previous message in Thread: Alice Anderson: "Looking for a tool to evaluate web content behind a login screen/page."
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WAVE 3.0 (www.wave.webaim.org) can get past standard Web server passwords
(e.g. Apache), as long as you know the password, but it won't get by custom
programmed passwords (e.g. jsp, php, asp, etc.).
Paul Bohman
Technology Coordinator
WebAIM (Web Accessibility in Mind)
Center for Persons with Disabilities
Utah State University
- Next message: Jon Gunderson: "RE: drop down menus"
- Previous message: webmaster@theoryxdesign.com: "re: Table Haunts Me"
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- Previous message in Thread: Alice Anderson: "Looking for a tool to evaluate web content behind a login screen/page."
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