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Spans inside headings pauses VoiceOver on iOS


From: Date: Jan 5, 2017 7:50AM


I have a question regarding VoiceOver and HTML on iOS.

Given the following markup:

<span class="foo">Today</span>
<span class="bar">4th of January</span>

How can I make VoiceOver read the whole h2? Currently it stops on each span
(and says that it is a heading level 2). Is there some setting for
VoiceOver, or is there some workaround in the markup I could use?

If I re-arrange the markup and place the second span inside the first, I
can make VoiceOver read it all with a two-finger swipe down - but that's
not what I want. TalkBack and VoiceOver on Mac reads the whole h2. From
what I've found through Google, this is a "feature" of VoiceOver on iOS -
but is there a workaround?
