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Re: Using <LI> elements as clickable, focusable objects in menus


From: Bryan Garaventa
Date: Jan 6, 2017 3:11PM

It is valid to use ARIA to support native active elements like links and buttons within menus, however the ARIA markup must be consistent and programmed according to spec.

In this case, the role="menuitem" attribute must not be on the LI, but on the button, including all supporting attributes such as aria-haspopup="true" if this menuitem opens a submenu, and focus must move appropriately between each menuitem when the arrow keys are pressed in accordance with the vertical or horizontal layout of the menu.

The requisite role mappings for this are viewable at

For live implementations and education, you can use Visual ARIA to easily catch when focus movement does not match the placement of ARIA attributes in accordance with the spec, available at

To see an ARIA Menu example where ARIA attributes are correctly included on the native active elements within a list, the following shows this:

Visual ARIA can be used here too in order to visually expose which roles are placed and where.

You can download this coding archive which includes many other accessible widgets at

All the best,

Bryan Garaventa
Accessibility Fellow
SSB BART Group, Inc.
415.624.2709 (o)