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Re: Radio Buttons Not Functioning


From: Aaron Cannon
Date: Jan 30, 2017 3:46PM

You wrote:
"Thank you Aaron. I want to keep it as the default for JAWS and NVDA."

I understand. The only reason I suggested doing the other
non-standard things was just for helping to troubleshoot what was
going on. I wasn't suggesting that that is what the end-user should
be expected to do.

Let us know what you discover.


On 1/30/17, JP Jamous < <EMAIL REMOVED> > wrote:
> Thank you Aaron. I want to keep it as the default for JAWS and NVDA. I did
> not test it with NVDA, but I will tomorrow.
> It is weird, but I am sure that something is making the SR become stuck on
> one radio button in forms mode.
> That's old markup though. We have more accessible markup in our pattern
> library. It won't stop me from making the page accessible, I just think it
> is interesting as to why it is locking the SR on one radio button.