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From: Leo Smith
Date: Aug 27, 2001 5:41AM
- Next message: Rachael Zubal: "Re: Using closed captioning versus open"
- Previous message: Paul Bohman: "Re: Using closed captioning versus open"
- Next message in Thread: Reidy Brown: "Re: javascript"
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Thanks to everyone for the input on the Javacript issues....
It seems like I am not the only one who is a little "fuzzy" regarding point "L" of the 508 requirements:
"When pages utilize scripting languages to display content, or to create interface elements, the information provided by the script shall be identified with functional text that can be read by assistive technology"
What exactly does it mean by "identified with functional text" in this context. I have a number of educated guesses as to what it is talking about (at least, I would like to think they are educated), but am not absolutely sure.
Thanks again...
- Next message: Rachael Zubal: "Re: Using closed captioning versus open"
- Previous message: Paul Bohman: "Re: Using closed captioning versus open"
- Next message in Thread: Reidy Brown: "Re: javascript"
- Previous message in Thread: None
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