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Re: Web development; How to identify if a screen reader is in use


From: Beranek, Nicholas
Date: May 11, 2017 9:57AM

Hi John,

Not for Web Accessibility. On iOS, we have the ability to detect whether or not assistive technologies like VoiceOver are running, but this is only through native applications. I remember discussions about how people would feel if developers could detect whether or not they're using a screen reader, magnifier, or other AT. I don't recall what came out of those discussions.

I gave a talk about data and accessibility and how we're unable to get numbers related to screen reader usage. If we could, would we use it to "water down" the experience? We are firm believers at Capital One in providing an inclusive and enriching experience regardless of disability.

I think it's time to discuss this very topic again. Thanks for bringing it up.

Nick Beranek
Capital One