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ANNOUNCEMENT: On-line course on accessible web design
From: Jon Gunderson
Date: Aug 28, 2003 10:20AM
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REHAB711NC: Designing Universally Accessible Web Resources
This is a 17 session on-line course on designing universally accessible web
resources for people with disabilities, starting September 23rd, 2003. The
course is primarily designed for web developers who understand basic
concepts of HTML. Continuing education credits are available. Some of the
course highlights include:
1. Alternative views of the web: Hope people with disabilities "see"
the web
2. Web Accessibility Guidelines: "Accessible Design" verses
"Accessible Repair"
3. Designing HTML using structural elements
4. Using CSS for styling and adding graphics to web resources
5. Scripting and automated behavior accessibility issues
6. Multi-media captioning
7. Adobe PDF and Macromedia Flash accessibility issues
8. Publishing accessible versions of Microsoft Office Documents
9. Legal issues in making web resources accessible
10. Discussion of your own web accessibility issues
Registration and additional information is available at:
Please contact Jon Gunderson for more information at: 217-244-5870 or
To subscribe, unsubscribe, suspend, or view list archives,
visit http://www.webaim.org/discussion/
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- Previous message in Thread: Jon Gunderson: "Re: Assistive Device Behaviour Chart"
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