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Re: Actionable roles vs behaviors


From: Ryan E. Benson
Date: Jun 20, 2017 2:52PM


>if you have access to the designer, the designer should be the one to
explain their intent with regards to what that element is

The problem, that I see, is designers don't really care. I was on a forum
the other day, and somebody mentioned automatic tools. The click-click
boom, you have an app type. I can't say what percentage, but a fair amount
seem to be fine with "I don't care what the HTML looks like, as long as my
project works." I kept my mouth shut, since I didn't want to dig a hole,
but I have seen a movement of thinking this way.

Ryan E. Benson

On Tue, Jun 20, 2017 at 3:59 PM, Tim Harshbarger <
<EMAIL REMOVED> > wrote:

> I guess I will add my own thoughts to the discussion.
> Whether an element is a link or a button really is a design decision--not
> a development decision. My own thought is that, if you have access to the
> designer, the designer should be the one to explain their intent with
> regards to what that element is. If the designer is not available, then I
> go with the appearance.
> My observation is that designers (in modern web design) seem to have a
> variety of approaches and thoughts on how to use buttons and links. I do
> not think it is as simple as links take you to another page and buttons
> perform other types of actions.
> One way I look at UI's is as a conversation between the "author" and the
> "user". My role as an accessibility consultant is to ensure the
> communication is as accessible as possible to the user while maintaining
> the author's full intent. So I tend to be uncomfortable with interjecting
> my own biases on the design (even if I disagree with the design choices.)
> The time for me to debate design choices is during design. That is also why
> I feel strongly that accessibility must be a consideration during design.
> Of course, if I am involved in design discussions, one of my goals would
> be to persuade the designers to use elements in a consistent manner that
> matches potential user expectations. Of course, I suspect that good designs
> typically try to ensure that appearance and behavior support one another.
> Just some thoughts for whatever they are worth.
> Thanks,
> Tim