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Seeking input on June 28 working draft of ARIA Authoring Practices 1.1


From: Matt King
Date: Jul 3, 2017 5:14PM

On this list, we often discuss the many vagaries and frustrating aspects of getting ARIA to work in practice. A primary source of those problems is a lack of documented, common understanding of appropriate and effective use of ARIA among experts within the field, including those who have participated in the authoring of the ARIA specification itself.

The practices task force within the ARIA working group has the ambition of resolving these issues with a W3C Note known as ARIA Authoring Practices 1.1. The task force objective is for the ARIA 1.1 recommendation to be accompanied by an authoritative guide to appropriate use of ARIA. In addition to guidance, when released, it will include functional reference implementations of all widget roles and their related states and properties, demonstrating how to create accessible UI components and structures.

It's essential for the guidance to be practical, accurate, and readily understandable by a wide audience. Thus, community input is extremely important.

The June 28, 2017 working draft, which includes many changes based on community feedback, is published at:

Changes include:
- Eight new or completely reworked design patterns and examples, e.g., modal dialog, disclosure and feed.
- Fixes and enhancements that incorporate feedback for 17 patterns and examples, e.g., accordion, grid, menubar, menu button, and tree.
- Plus many other improvements.

The complete history of changes made since the December 14, 2016 draft is at:

Please provide feedback via GitHub issues. Draft sections and example pages have a link to a feedback issue. You can also raise a new issue at:

If you are interested in either contributing more than feedback or joining the task force, please comment in the appropriate issue or send a note to Mat King at <EMAIL REMOVED> .

Matt King