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Re: administrative questions
From: Paul Bohman
Date: Aug 28, 2001 2:27PM
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There is no such thing as an autoresponder listing on this mailing list. If you want to subscribe to the digest version of the list (one email per day with all of the emails included), please visit www.webaim.org/discussion and follow the directions there.
Also, again I ask that all administrative questions be sent to <EMAIL REMOVED> , and not to the entire list.
Thank you.
Paul Bohman
P.S. When people set autoresponders on their personal emails, these responses will be sent to the list when messages are received by that email address. To avoid sending unnecessary autoresponders to this list, you can either not set autoresponders or you can temporarily unsubscribe yourself from the list while your autoresponder is running.
> Thanks for your reponse and immediate removal of my listing from the auto
> responder listing. I have been out of the office for the past month and
> have too many RESPONSES/RESPONSES to review in detail.
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