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Re: Misuse of TabIndex 0


From: Patrick H. Lauke
Date: Jul 7, 2017 12:39PM

On 07/07/2017 18:39, Sailesh Panchang wrote:
> Patrick,
> Not sure how one can invoke 2.1.1 on an element that is simply not
> operable in any way i.e. even via a mouse.

2.1.1 will depend on the situation. I will often note it there as part
of a more general "keyboard operation is inappropriate/broken" point if

> Forcing focus on a static element does not make it operable. So a
> visual focus indicator for such an element compounds the problem and
> adds another failure: 2.4.7.

2.4.7 says that the focus needs to be visible as otherwise sighted users
will get lost/not know where their focus is. If the focus is on an
element that has tabindex=0, it needs to be visible that there is focus
there - regardless of whether it's appropriate or not that the element
should receive focus in the first place. So it would fail 2.4.7 IF there
was a non-interactive element receiving focus and focus indication was
NOT given, as to a sighted user that would then appear as though the
focus disappears and reappears when they navigate through the page.

> What meaning and operability is preserved by adding tabindex=0 for
> sighted keyboard users? I rely on WG guidance (references) in my last
> email.

I'm not saying that it's appropriate to add tabindex=0 to
non-interactive elements. I am simply clarifying that, in my view, it's
not a strict failure of neither 2.4.3 (see for instance the
"understanding" document
which, at least from skim-reading it, does not necessarily say anything
about non-interactive elements receiving focus being a failure - though
I do personally still note it in 2.4.3 and sometimes, depending on
context, 2.1.1), nor 2.4.7 (as whatever it is that receives focus, the
focus needs to be visible - regardless of whether it's right or wrong
that that particular element/thing received focus or not).

Patrick H. Lauke

www.splintered.co.uk | https://github.com/patrickhlauke
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twitter: @patrick_h_lauke | skype: patrick_h_lauke