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location of details link
From: Angela French
Date: Jul 14, 2017 11:05AM
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Hello WebAIMers,
We are redesigning a web application built about 8 years ago. This time around we want it to be more accessible.
I would be grateful for your opinion in testing out the location of a "details" link in a table of search results.
Link to sample page<http://devapps.sbctc.edu/TechPrepV2/SearchArticulations>. Please just click the Search button under the search filter drop down lists to ensure (with our limited test data) that you actually get results.
The results are displayed in a 7-column table with the last column holding a "details" link which allows the user to see deeper details for that specific search results record.
In our old application, the "details" link was in the first column. I question that position because how can a screen reader user (reading left to right) decide to click on details before they know what they would be seeing details of? My rationale in putting it on the right column is that as content is read from left to right, the screen reader user would know what they are getting details for by the time they get to the details link.
My co-worker feels like the link gets lost over in the right column. I can understand that point of view too.
Thank you for your opinions - especially from those who use screen reader users.
Angela French
Internet/Intranet Specialist
Washington State Board for Community and Technical Colleges
- Next message: Krack, Joseph@DSS: "Re: Form font sizes"
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