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RE: adobe 6.0 accessibility
From: jeb
Date: Oct 9, 2003 9:50PM
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- Previous message in Thread: Kremers, Lindsay M.: "adobe 6.0 accessibility"
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adobe 6.0 accessibilityThere is not a simple answer to your question... so
here is a good source reference for review:
Bottom line is that the software is only part of the issue, the user has to
make the effort to make the PDF accessible. Quite frankly, I think HTML is
easier and would choose that over PDF any day.
There has been some discussion in this group about Forms, and I will let
other ring in with specifics.
Regarding tech problems, my only recent experience is with Acrobat Reader
6.0 and that is a far superior product than version 5.0 IMHO. 5.0 used to
lock up on me and take for ever to load.
John E. Brandt
Augusta, ME 04330
- Next message: julian.rickards@ndm.gov.on.ca: "RE: "
- Previous message: Kremers, Lindsay M.: "adobe 6.0 accessibility"
- Next message in Thread: Wayne Dick: "Re: adobe 6.0 accessibility"
- Previous message in Thread: Kremers, Lindsay M.: "adobe 6.0 accessibility"
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