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Re: Feedback on numbered paragraphs.


From: Jonathan Cohn
Date: Jun 3, 2018 6:19PM

Dear Glen,

I was considering swapping the number and the word paragraph also since then JAWS heading list could be used with first letter navigation to jump to a paragraph. My CSS designer had concerns over control with an <ol> though I did not get into the details with him.

For VoiceOver, the Terms were read and the list said hit was a list at the beginning. In NVDA 2018.2 NVDA listed the DL's as having 10 items but then listed eat one as ??? of 20 so NVDA might have made progress. JAWS 2018 did behave the way you described.

Thanks for the feedback,


> On Jun 3, 2018, at 8:00 PM, glen walker < <EMAIL REMOVED> > wrote:
> Is there a reason a standard <ol> couldn't be used? I'm assuming so
> because that seemed like the obvious first choice but you're looking for a
> different solution.
> I tend to shy away from definition lists because VoiceOver, NVDA, and JAWS
> all treat them differently from each other. VO doesn't think they're
> lists. You can't navigate to them using the "Lists" settings on the
> rotor. NVDA treats each <dt> and <dd> as separate list items, so if you
> had 3 pairs of definitions, NVDA would tell you it's a list with 6 items.
> In JAWS, if you navigate using the 'I' (eye) quicknav key, it only
> navigates to the terms and not the definitions.
> Your heading solution isn't bad but I wouldn't start the heading label with
> the word "paragraph". If I'm looking for the 15th paragraph, I have to
> hear "paragraph" every time before I hear the number that I'm interested
> in. Although not as grammatically pleasing, I would swap the two and have
> "1 paragraph", "2 paragraph", etc. That way I can quickly hear the number
> first and find 15 easier.
> Glen
> On Sun, Jun 3, 2018 at 3:11 PM, Jonathan Cohn < <EMAIL REMOVED> > wrote:
>> About a year ago, I asked about the use of different markups with numbered
>> paragraphs. My memory of that query is that there were no true suggestions
>> on improving readability.
>> We are re-investigating the best layout and one of our clients suggested
>> the use of ARIA-Headings for the paragraph numbers. I feel that the
>> additional verbosity is not bringing any additional feedback, but would
>> like to hear what others feel.
>> Please take a look at my CodePan at:
>> https://codepen.io/jccTests/full/GGorRJ
>> And provide feedback.
>> Thanks,
>> Jonathan
>> >> >> >> >>
> > > >