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Re: Long links around teasers - best practices?


From: Mallory
Date: Jun 5, 2018 4:05AM

I often tend to do something like #2.

One problem with that is it interfering with text copypasta. I've wanted to copy text with a mouse for various crazy reasons so I always expect wherever I have plain text that someone, somewhere, may want to copy it.
There's often an image involved as well. Since my right-click has been busted for years, I have it turned on in my OS to listen for a long left-click, which eventually can give me the context menu so I can do right-clicky things... but this still sends out the left-click, therefore click() event :( (for inspecting the image or opening it in a new tab, etc).

Heydon has an example hacky JavaScript that listens for mousedowns and then checks if mouseup occurs after some minimum length of time, cancelling the click event. But it's pretty hacked, and I wonder the implications for WCAG 2.1's Pointer Cancellation (though the down is just listening and only the up is doing the job, so it *should* be fine).


On Tue, Jun 5, 2018, at 12:00 PM, Detlev Fischer wrote:
> You all know these: Links including both heading and a longish teaser
> text. When focused with a screeenreader, the whole text gets read out,
> the role (this is a link) comes right at the end. I wonder what people
> recommend as best practice here, accessibility-wise:
> 1. not include the teaser text in link, just link the heading (this
> decreases click / tab area and focus for sighted users)
> 2. trigger the (redundant) click tab on the teaser text via some script
> so SR users get a short link followed by text?
> 3. leave as is, but use aria-label to supply a short link text alternative?
> 4. accept as-is, working on the assumption that SDR users are by now
> familiar with those constructs and can manage just fine?
> 5. anything else?
> Detlev
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