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RE: RoboHelp Office & Section 508
From: Robert B. Yonaitis
Date: Oct 24, 2003 12:05PM
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We use it for some of our online tutorials and have seen only one problem
with the Section 508 Output for WebHELP and that is that it does not put the
appropriot markup for frames. the noframes sends you to a framed site. This
is an easy fix however. We did report it to them, they are responsive so may
be fixed already...
From: Sarah Brainard [mailto: <EMAIL REMOVED> ]
Sent: Friday, October 24, 2003 1:55 PM
Subject: RoboHelp Office & Section 508
I have been asked to help bring some of the other parts of our office up to
Section 508. They mostly use an older version of RoboHelp Office (I think
the first version, no version number on box) and are very familiar with it.
I know that the newer version includes accessibility updates, but I am just
wondering if they should switch to GoLive/Dreamweaver and Acrobat since it
is used more industry wise or if we should invest in the new RoboHelp since
they know that interface already.
I am just wondering if anyone has used the newer RoboHelp Office - and how
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- Previous message: Sarah Brainard: "RoboHelp Office & Section 508"
- Next message in Thread: julian.rickards@ndm.gov.on.ca: "RE: RoboHelp Office & Section 508"
- Previous message in Thread: Sarah Brainard: "RoboHelp Office & Section 508"
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