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Re: [External Sender] NVDA not announcing the Legend tag


From: Graham Armfield
Date: Oct 1, 2018 10:04AM

As suggested the other day, I commented on the issue in an NVDA issue on
Github (https://github.com/nvaccess/nvda/issues/3321). There was a response
from James Teh stating that the issue has already been fixed, but also
asking that if anyone had an example where it wasn't working to please
document. I guess providing a link to a live situation would do.

So if anyone has such an example where NVDA is not announcing the legend
text, perhaps they could mention it in the Github issue.

Graham Armfield
coolfields.co.uk <http://www.coolfields.co.uk/>;
M:07905 590026
T: 01483 856613
@coolfields <https://twitter.com/coolfields>