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Re: Accessible survey tools
From: JP Jamous
Date: Jan 5, 2019 9:30AM
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I was discussing Survey monkey with my colleagues to create a survey to
identify how visually impaired use the web. We are trying to improve the
browser/Assistive Technology combination for users in the health industry.
I was under the impression that Survey Monkey had an accessible UI, because
their surveys tend to be accessible on the end-user side. Now, this confirms
that on the content authoring side it is not.
While this is typical of CMS systems, it is not acceptable in my opinion as
a Sr. Digital Accessibility Engineer.
I would like to find out how many of you would be interested in joining me
to create a survey system that is accessible on both the content authoring
and end-user sides.
What would be required of you:
1. Provide me with the type of authoring content you'd like to included
2. Provide me with the type of browser and assistive technology you use to
access the web
3. Identify if you use mobile devices to create a survey and if you use an
external keyboard to help you type faster
All I would need is user feedback. I can handle all of the technical aspects
since I have a web/database servers in the cloud with high-end SSL
encryption to create accounts.
Again, if you'd like to assist, Please, e-mail me off the list at
<EMAIL REMOVED> and reference in the subject, "Creating an Accessible Survey
Thank you folks.
JP Jamous
Senior Digital Accessibility Engineer
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