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Re: [External Sender] NVDA - aria-live=polite not announced


From: Isabel Holdsworth
Date: Feb 22, 2019 2:24AM

Hi Diane,

You've hit the nail on the head. If the user is being presented with a
new page of content within the SPA, the focus needs to be moved to the
content heading, and the message is unnecessary and perhaps even

Cheers, Isabel

On 21/02/2019, Aditya via WebAIM-Forum < <EMAIL REMOVED> > wrote:
> Then It is a violation of 1.3.2 and 2.4.3 because by not placing the focus
> on the article heading or live region message, screen reader users will hear
> random content which breaks meaningful sequence. Also key board users might
> have difficulties reaching the required section.
> Not sure why NVDA is not reading if the live region is no re-rendered.
> Sent from my iPhone
> On Feb 21, 2019, at 4:30 PM, Tomlins Diane < <EMAIL REMOVED> >
> wrote:
>>> So, first question is when view is rendered, is the live region also
>>> being rendered? Sometimes I noticed voiceover/safari being smart enough
>>> to react to a live region and it's change simultaneously.
>> The live region is already there when the health summary section is
>> rendered, and it is not being re-rendered when the content changes, they
>> just change the message in that live region div.
>>> In SPAs always manage focus programmatically by placing it on the first
>>> new/changed content.
>> And I believe that is part of the problem, because the focus is not
>> shifting to the article title when it displays - and I told them that it
>> should. Frankly, I don't think the message 'you are viewing
>> xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx' is even necessary if they just shift focus to the
>> article heading... or the first heading of the content that's being
>> injected.
>> Thanks,
>> Diane R Tomlins
>> HCA Healthcare ITG | UXCOE
>> Accessibility SME