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Re: using glows for contrast


From: Sandy Feldman
Date: Mar 13, 2019 7:27PM


wow, Patrick. That looks really, really good! The CSS looks like command
V got stuck, but it really works. THANK YOU!


On 2019-03-13 7:36 p.m., Patrick H. Lauke wrote:
> On 13/03/2019 22:09, Sandy Feldman wrote:
>> Patrick - "4 shadows" technique rocks! Thank you very much.
>> https://www.inclusivemedia.ca/clients/glow/
> Playing some more, turns out you get an even closer effect to a proper
> outer stroke but just layering a large number of shadows, without any
> offset. Seems very subtly darker/smoother.
> https://codepen.io/patrickhlauke/pen/ZPvmog
> P