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Re: Logical focus flow on carousel


From: Greg Jellin
Date: Apr 4, 2019 10:12AM

I agree with this Glen. I think that focus should remain on "next" until
the user tabs/swipes forward to the next element. In my original
description of my opinion, I stated that I think that the next tab/swipe
(forward) should take the user to the top of the current slide. After
reading this thread and thinking about it, I think it would be better if
the next tab/swipe moves the focus to the next element in the DOM
(outside of the carousel), but tabbing/swiping backwards should take the
user to the top of the current slide rather than the bottom.

Thanks for the lively discussion.

Greg Jellin

On 4/3/2019 8:47 PM, glen walker wrote:
>> But ... And I hate to disagree with Glen on anything,
> No, please do. I'm just one person's opinion and accessibility can be
> somewhat subjective.
> But I will, respectfully, disagree with moving the focus. I personally
> hate when an application thinks it knows what I want to happen with the
> focus. When I click on next, don't move my focus to another element.
> Leave it on next because the stuff that's scrolled into view in the
> carousel might not be the thing I want so I want to click on next again,
> and again, and again. Don't make me have to navigate back to next every
> time.
> And I rarely use role="alert" or aria-live="assertive". If I need a live
> region, I'll use "polite". There are not many scenarios where an update is
> so urgent that it has to be announced immediately, even less that it has to
> say "ALERT!" and then my update.
> Glen
> > > >