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Re: IAAP WAS certification


From: Chanel Carlascio
Date: Apr 9, 2019 11:47AM

I am doing the Deque curriculum, and I was able to get it free since I have
a disability. I just got it a month or so ago, so they are still offering

Chanel Carlascio
Pronoun: She/Her

From: R. Gunnarsson Birkir < <EMAIL REMOVED> >
Reply: Discussion List WebAIM < <EMAIL REMOVED> >
Date: April 9, 2019 at 5:02:51 AM
To: Discussion List WebAIM < <EMAIL REMOVED> >
Subject: Re: [WebAIM] IAAP WAS certification

The Deque University course is pretty good. I took it when I got
certified and I have my development team who is getting WAS certified
take it.
There is a "body of knowledge" page for the certification on the IAAP
website. It describes what you need to know and points to the
standards that you need to know. I think it also recommends some
course providers.
The exam is not easy, and it shouldn't be (if everybody can get
certified with almost no effort the certification wouldn't mean much).
So expect to need to study hard, and don't get discouraged if you fail
the exam, just learn from it and take it again. I've seen some
brilliant front end developers requiring two tries.

You can contact the IAAP about pricing, to see if you can get a lower
rate (if you are paying out of pocket). If you have a disability the
Deque University courses are free (or at least I think they still

So if you can work out the payment stuff, just go for it, do your
best, and good luck to you.

On 4/9/19, Sudheer Babu < <EMAIL REMOVED> > wrote:
> Hi all,
> I'm already having good amount of experience into accessibility testing
> I'm now thinking of getting formally certified into this field to stand
> in the crowd.
> I see Web Accessibility Specialist certification to be a good starting
> point to it.
> Please share your thoughts on WAS certification and any available
> online.
> Also, if any one have enrolled into Deque's course for WAS certification.
> Thanks in advance!
> Sudheer.
> > > > >

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