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Re: [External Sender] guidance on headings hierarchy


From: Brian Lovely
Date: May 16, 2019 2:30PM

I would want a single H1 element that described the purpose or primary
topic of the page. Assuming a site where every page has a logo in the
header, the problem with wrapping that logo in an H1 is that every page
would have the same purpose or primary topic. It's similar to having all
pages in a site with the same title.

On Thu, May 16, 2019 at 4:17 PM Catherine Roy < <EMAIL REMOVED> >

> Hello all,
> Looking for a little guidance on headings hierarchy. Unfortunately, I am
> not at liberty to share the page that I'm going to describe.
> I have a main content and a left column with some menu items.
> For the main content, I have a heading that basically repeats the title
> of the page. Followed by a few paragraphs of explanatory text for the
> initiative in question. After which, a couple more headings to introduce
> a dashboard and some project partners.
> In the left column, I have two headings that introduce some links like a
> menu. So, originally, this is the structure I had set up:
> For the main content
> The first heading is a H1 (title of the initiative), the second heading
> is an H2 (Results to date for the dashboard) and the third heading is an
> H2 (Our partners) as well.
> So:
> HA Initiative (H1)
> Results to date (H2)
> Our partners (H2)
> In the left column, the two headings (Resources & Latest updates) that
> introduce links are both H3.
> So:
> Resources (H3)
> Latest updates (H3)
> My problem is that the page originally had the logo in the left top
> corner as an H1.
> And from my understanding, although it's not compulsory, it's always
> best to have just one H1 in the page.
> What is best practice here? Personally I would prefer that the logo not
> be a heading at all but simply an image with an alt text. But I know
> that some people have no problem with having more than one H1 in the
> same page.
> How would you structure your hierarchy with this content?
> Thanks,
> Catherine
> --
> Catherine Roy
> https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=http-3A__www.catherine-2Droy.net&d=DwIGaQ&c=pLULRYW__RtkwsQUPxJVDGboCTdgji3AcHNJU0BpTJE&r=MMimM36KI-FWX0bnlG1RIV6Bl3MtdwmuKJCwL2Q3WrQ&m=0TkX6P0kthoGb9RmpoDhI9BbKQRJMkp84qDzFag5wns&s=9iTQoyQ6cHWlHpCqE59sLX-bjmZfCQltspZd8dvR2TY&e>
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> https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=http-3A__webaim.org_discussion_archives&d=DwIGaQ&c=pLULRYW__RtkwsQUPxJVDGboCTdgji3AcHNJU0BpTJE&r=MMimM36KI-FWX0bnlG1RIV6Bl3MtdwmuKJCwL2Q3WrQ&m=0TkX6P0kthoGb9RmpoDhI9BbKQRJMkp84qDzFag5wns&s=1REqyLALxqEHwfczAdfrq0R0FuUwBDYNOEMW75Z6_u8&e> >

*Brian Lovely*
Capital One Digital Accessibility

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