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Re: Calendar VS Table Navigation


From: Mallory
Date: Jun 3, 2019 3:17PM

We've never been able to keep the table semantics even if we used a
table because we'd follow the aria grid pattern. Which basically undoes
all the table goodness. This includes the table headers (our day names)
not being available for days. Back to stuffing full day/date names into
a steaming pile of aria.

I agree with have a date input-- by that I mean not type="date". Those
suck keyboard and Dragon-wise. As a user, I'd rather have a plain text
input who takes whatever I throw at it and uses Postel's Law to accept
dates I put in, within reason. The calendar part is nice for seeing things
like: which day is that date? Is it a weekday or weekend? Date ranges
like with flights.


On Mon, Jun 3, 2019, at 7:55 PM, Steve Green wrote:
> That depends on what you mean by "accessible". It may well be
> WCAG-compliant (as long as the role is not conveyed as being a table),
> but you would need to do user testing to find out whether it is an
> acceptable user experience in practice. My experience of user testing
> is that participants usually have difficulty with date pickers,
> especially ones that use "application mode". If possible, allow people
> to type the date because that is much faster and user friendly.
> Steve Green
> Managing Director
> Test Partners Ltd