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Re: Trying to Understand 2.5.3


From: Patrick H. Lauke
Date: Sep 3, 2019 10:48AM

On 03/09/2019 17:31, Birkir R. Gunnarsson wrote:
> One point of clarification, this SC does not cover situations where
> controls are visuall labeled with an icon but no text, e.g. a search
> button labeled with a magnifying glass icon.
> The following code could represent button labeled with a Font Awesome
> icon, its aria-label text can be anything you like since there is no
> visible text on the button.
> <button aria-label="search"><I class="fa fa-search"></I></button>
> I filed a WCAG 2.1 issue expressing concerns about this, since these
> are the widgets that need to be operable by screen readers and speech
> recognition software.

Failing to see though how you'd solve this, other than what, mandating
that all controls must have a visible text label, which won't fly (maybe
as a triple-A SC, at a stretch)?

Patrick H. Lauke

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