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need a code example of a keyboard trap


From: Don Raikes
Date: Sep 19, 2019 5:20PM


I am preparing a demo of using VoiceOver to test the accessibility of a web application, and one of the things I want to demonstrate is what a "keyboard trap" lookslike for someone using VoiceOver and runs into a "flick trap".

If anyone has seen such a situation and can forward either the website or the code I would greatly appreciate it.



Thanks, Donald

"As a leader, to be successful, is to help the people around you to be successful." - Kent Boucher

Accessibility, like security, is better when built-in from the beginning rather than bolted on at the end.

Donald Raikes | Accessibility Specialist
Mobile: HYPERLINK "tel:+15202717608"+15202717608 | VOIP: HYPERLINK "tel:+15205744033"+15205744033
Oracle Accessibility Program Office
| Tucson, Arizona


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