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Re: Jaws going to top of page when closing modal


From: David Engebretson Jr.
Date: Sep 27, 2019 3:50PM

This is a super confusing aspect to screen reader navigation with custom
elements; if the developer doesn't keep track of focus and set it to where
they want any users focus to be (screen reader user or not), it can become a
usability nightmare.

Hopefully, someday, setting focus won't be so dynamic or easy to forget. A
users focus should always be brought back to where they were, IMO. It's not
a difficult thing to do programmatically, but it is difficult for developers
to remember to provide the functionality. Why? You might ask? In my opinion
it is because that is not a part of the web developer curriculum. If
developers were to use a modal html5 <dialog> wouldn't focus be set to the
previous control automagically? If not, it should, in my thinking.

I love this list, btw. I'm always learning.
