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Re: [External Sender] Accessible tooltips for on boarding


From: Brian Lovely
Date: Oct 4, 2019 8:08AM

I would word the text in the modal to ensure non-visual users can
understand what's going on. Assuming all page content is semantically
correct and has perceivable names (and descriptions, if applicable) then I
would refer to things by their role and perceivable name. For instance "the
profile button allows you to view and update your profile information"
instead of "this" (graphic of an arrow pointing to profile button) "allows
you to..."

On Thu, Oct 3, 2019 at 6:23 PM Renato Iwashima < <EMAIL REMOVED> > wrote:

> Hi,
> It is quite common to find some applications that do a little introduction
> of their software on first load by having a step-by-step on boarding
> tutorial with tooltips that point to specific areas or controls on the
> screen explaining what that area or object does. They usually behave like a
> modal, meaning it blocks the whole screen only allowing you to interact
> with the tooltip or with the control it is pointing to.
> Since this interaction is very visually oriented (because it points to
> things on the screen), I'd like to know what can be done to make this
> experience accessible. What are the best practices for this? Has anyone
> seen a good accessible on boarding experience?
> Thanks!
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> >

*Brian Lovely*
Capital One Digital Accessibility

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