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Re: [EXTERNAL] Time limit is essential


From: Mark Magennis
Date: Oct 9, 2019 2:24AM

I'm inclined to disagree with you here Patrick. I know exactly what you're saying but I would think the company may deem it an essential part of the offering. Limited time offers are extremely common (e.g. Summer Sale, January Sales, Black Friday). It's less usual to have a time limit as short as 60 seconds but it is arguable that the principle is the same. Without the time limit, it may not make commercial sense to make the offer at all so "functionality cannot be achieved in another way that would conform".

Even if the time limit isn't required for the fundamental act of purchasing, it may be required for the fundamental act of marketing. I'm not defending manipulative marketing practices but websites that sell things are not just there to support buying, they're there to support selling too.


Mark Magennis
Skillsoft | mobile: +353 87 60 60 162
Accessibility Specialist