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Google Forms?


From: Diana Grappasonno
Date: Feb 5, 2020 12:19PM

Greetings, all. Looking for info about the accessibility of Google Forms
(and forms in general).

My organization has limited options for forms and we're pushing a lot of
employees to use Google Forms because they're easy to set up.

Several months ago, we tested a Google Form with a screen reader user and
there was a critical issue with input error messages not be perceivable.
It seems the error message issue has now been fixed, but I'm having a heck
of a time getting Google Forms to work correctly with NVDA.

I'm trying to re-assess the accessibility of Google Forms because I need to
know which form option(s) to promote.

I've enabled screen reader support and I'm using the (supposed) Google
shortcuts but I'm encountering a lot of unexpected results with various
keyboard shortcuts. Some don't work at all, some do something entirely
different... Most items are lacking a visual focus indicator. The WAVE
checker is showing a lot of errors also, which seem unfixable as a form
owner (without dev skills).

My questions:

1. Are Google Forms truly accessible for the general population of
screen reader users? Or is it known to be problematic?
2. Is it better to stick with webforms (made in Drupal)?
3. Has anyone found a robust web-based form creation tool that's WCAG-AA
compliant out of the box?

Thanks in advance,
Diana G