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Re: Apple Accessibility API


From: Murphy, Sean
Date: Feb 27, 2020 3:48PM


This is really good information. I have got some old Apple material from their events which I will review later. I do find reading or finding the relevant information on the Apple site difficult.

I have an app that I am reviewing which is using a custom library (API). This app has two failures:

4.1.2 Name, role and Value

2.5.1 Pointer Gestures https://www.w3.org/WAI/WCAG21/Understanding/pointer-gestures

Visually it is a interactive bar chart showing months and values. The user can select a specific month to download that data. The selected month changes colour. Only 4 or 5 months are shown at a time, thus a swipe is required to navigate the chart. Voiceover announces the month and value only. The only way I can think of to address this issue is to modify the open source API. Providing buttons or icons to permit the chart to scroll back and forward. In relation to Voiceover to provide state and role information. State to indicate it has been selected and choosing a role that best reflects to the user what actions they can perform.

So more digging is required to work out how to achieve this.
