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Re: VPAT version for AODA


From: Mitchell Evan
Date: Mar 24, 2020 11:33PM

Hi Logan,

> I'd like to chime in and state that if this is related to AODA, the City
of Ottawa will not accept a VPAT as it still isn't relevant to us. We have
vendors submit assessments utilizing the WCAG-EM Tool.

I agree the WCAG-EM Report Tool
<https://www.w3.org/WAI/eval/report-tool/#!/ > can produce excellent WCAG
reports, but I'm curious — what aspects of VPAT 2.x
<https://www.itic.org/policy/accessibility/vpat> have been problematic? If
the WCAG section in VPAT hasn't worked well for Ottawa's needs, then I'd
like to understand what's lacking and see if we can get it fixed, either in
the VPAT template itself or in its instructions for vendors.

The WCAG edition of VPAT and the International edition of VPAT might be new
to some folks here. They are meant to help buyers and regulators compare
accessibility reports from different vendors easily, while vendors
shouldn't have to rewrite the same accessibility findings in multiple
report formats.

(Multiple languages, that's another matter.)


Mitchell Evan
+1 (510) 375-6104
Twitter @mitchellrevan