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Re: Trouble with INSERT key shortcuts in JAWS and NVDA


From: L Snider
Date: Apr 2, 2020 1:45PM

Hi Ritu,

What were you in? A PDF? Desktop? Browser?



On Thu, Apr 2, 2020 at 2:50 PM Jayakar, Ritu < <EMAIL REMOVED> > wrote:
> Hello Everyone,
> I wonder if anyone had issues with INSERT +F7 and INSERT+F6 shortcuts not responding.
> Till yesterday both NVDA and JAWS responded well to these shortcuts but not sure what I did to my Windows laptop these keys have stopped responding.
> INSERT+F5 seems to be working though. Any insight, suggestion or alternatives to access the link list windows will be appreciated.
> Kind Regards
> Ritu
> > > >