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Re: programmatically determined link context (2.4.4)


From: Patrick H. Lauke
Date: Apr 6, 2020 6:06PM

On 07/04/2020 00:57, Birkir R. Gunnarsson wrote:
> I agree on the preceiding heading. The argument was something like,
> you can read the same sentence or paragraph using a screen reader
> shortcut but not the preceeding heading.
> This is not really true, not in all screen readers anyway, but I ain't
> gonna argue the case.

It's also based purely on the current (or even more so, the "then"
current) state of AT. There's nothing preventing AT from being able to
easily expose/query "what's the closest preceding heading that this link
falls under, hierarchically". But instead of basing the requirement on
how the hierarchy/structure could be (programmatically) determined, it
instead focused on the UA support...

But yes, this argument is likely not one that the working group will
want to reopen once again (at least not for WCAG 2.x).

Patrick H. Lauke

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