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Re: Is Voiceover more similar to NVDA or JAWS with respect to the accessibility tree?


From: Murphy, Sean
Date: Jun 3, 2020 4:53PM


What is in the browser accessibility tree is what should be used as the deal breaker. If the name property of the accessibility tree is null, in my mind that is a failure regardless of the screen reader from a WCAG point of view. As aria-label and similar attributes should be populating this property for the assistive technology. This applies to all the different accessibility tree properties of importance such as role, value, etc. The accessibility tree will populate the accessibility API of the OS. In relation to other components like tables, I would still look at the accessibility tree first to make sure it is correctly populated.

Note: The approach which different screen readers handle the information from the accessibility API / Accessibility Tree does vary due to customer demand over the years or their core principles. NVDA is very much following the standards as closely as possible. While Jaws and Voiceover are more interested in the user experiences. Jaws did include a lot of extra support in IE, not sure if this is still the case for Firefox or Chrome. This is my observation of being a screen reader user for the last 30 plus years and working for Freedom scientific. The standard approach for NVDA came from one of the founders when I was speaking to them at a A11y Camp conference in Melbourne.


Sean Murphy | Digital System specialist (Accessibility)
Telstra Digital Channels | Digital Systems
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