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Re: CSS Units of Measurement
From: Tim Beadle
Date: Feb 19, 2004 1:31AM
- Next message: Jukka K. Korpela: "Re: CSS Units of Measurement"
- Previous message: Tim Harshbarger: "CSS Units of Measurement"
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On Wed, Feb 18, 2004 at 04:03:25PM -0600, Tim Harshbarger wrote:
> What is your opinions on the differences between and proper useages of
> measurements like em's, pixels, and percentages?
I may be shot down in flames, but I've found one (rather good) approach to be:
* Set sizes in pixels in a basic (i.e. NN4 only) stylesheet
* Set (override) these sizes with keyword sizes in an advanced (@import)
stylesheet, using the Tantek Box Model Hack to give IE the sizes it wants,
as it uses sizes one-keyword out (smaller IIRC) from Mozilla.
Beware the Rendering Mode! Different font sizes will be displayed depending
on the Doctype you have set; i.e. Quirks Mode will look different to Standards
Compliant Mode.
"On my way to the office I passed an old lady who appeared to be muttering to
herself, and it struck me: I can no longer tell the difference between insane
people, and people on hands-free mobile phones. Literally. I have no idea if
she was on the phone or not." - Ian Hickson
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- Next message: Jukka K. Korpela: "Re: CSS Units of Measurement"
- Previous message: Tim Harshbarger: "CSS Units of Measurement"
- Next message in Thread: Jukka K. Korpela: "Re: CSS Units of Measurement"
- Previous message in Thread: Tim Harshbarger: "CSS Units of Measurement"
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