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RE: title attribute of anchor tag
From: Andrew Kirkpatrick
Date: Feb 20, 2004 9:47AM
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Be careful. You might have heard that this is true, and it is, as long as
the user's preference is set to read titles on links. In JAWS you can set
it to read one of three things:
A) screen text
B) title attribute
C) longest (of the title and the screen text)
I believe that the setting is "screen text" by default.
- Next message: Paul Bohman: "Re: Help with adding ACCESSKEY statements?"
- Previous message: Andrew Kirkpatrick: "RE: popup windows"
- Next message in Thread: Paul Bohman: "Re: title attribute of anchor tag"
- Previous message in Thread: Lee, Samson (NIH/NIDCR): "RE: title attribute of anchor tag"
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