WebAIM - Web Accessibility In Mind

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Re: WebAIM: Redundant link alert in Wave


From: Steve Green
Date: Aug 3, 2020 9:17AM

Unfortunately, Wave seems to be the tool of choice for the ambulance-chasing parasite lawyers that bring all the ADA cases in the US. The tool invariably finds redundant links, and the law suits always mentions them as being insurmountable accessibility barriers.

We all know that's nonsense, but the defence lawyers don't want to get into technical arguments in court, so they just accept it and pay the resulting large settlement.

So our advice to clients in the US is to fix every one of those redundant links (and all other false positives). There is no accessibility barrier, but they make you more vulnerable to spurious ADA claims. In countries with a more reasonable legal system (just about everywhere else except North Korea) you can afford to ignore the redundant links.

Steve Green
Managing Director
Test Partners Ltd