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Re: Training Materials


From: chagnon
Date: Oct 23, 2020 5:17PM

We're software trainers (for accessibility) and have proprietary copyrighted workbooks (for an example, see www.PubCom.com/books).

For our classes, the workbooks are printed because that no only protects our copyrighted material, but it's also the preferred media in a training class; the book is open on the student's desk, and their computer screen is dedicated to the software. If the book were digital, the student would have to flip back and forth between the software and the book, which is extremely inefficient and frustrating for most students.

BUT, we do make our workbooks available as accessible PDFs when that is requested by a student. And we're able to lock the PDF file well enough so that our intellectual property is protected but the PDF still gives the student full accessibility with their AT, commenting, forms filling, and other tasks.

In fact, making fully accessible PDFs is exactly what my firm teaches.

So your software training vendor needs to learn how to create fully accessible training materials. Based on what you said they said, they haven't truly investigated their options.

(Warning: shameless self-promotion, but it really is the only way for this vendor to produce the accessible training materials you need, especially if they are produced in Adobe InDesign.)

Recommend they take our classes (Word, PowerPoint, InDesign, Acrobat) at www.PubCom.com/classes.

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Bevi Chagnon | Designer, Accessibility Technician | <EMAIL REMOVED>
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PubCom: Technologists for Accessible Design + Publishing
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