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Re: PDF Remediation Services Recommendations


From: Peter Shikli
Date: Apr 10, 2021 12:27PM


This is a sales pitch, but then that is what you asked for.

We have a couple dozen analysts whose full-time job is to remediate PDFs to be accessible to the disabled. With hundreds of thousands of PDFs under our belt, we can handle the most complex of them. We have also developed a sweet spot between our automation tools and our experienced analysts that makes us both fast and high quality. At $49/hr, our rates tend to be the most affordable domestically.

Peter Shikli
Access2online Inc.
29030 SW Town Center Loop East
Suite 202-187
Wilsonville, OR 97070
503-570-6831 - <EMAIL REMOVED>
Cell: 949-677-3705
FAX: 503-582-8337
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