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An Accessible method of hiding HTML content
From: Leo Smith
Date: Jun 4, 2004 6:05AM
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Hi Folks,
I just wanted to draw your attention to a really interesting article that
Paul Bohman has written, that is on the Webaim site:
An Accessible Method of Hiding HTML Content
I have already been trying some the techniques he mentions.
I am having a little trouble with the technique for using Graphics as
Headers whilst concurrently having a text heading within proper semantic
markup. I don't seem to be able to get it to work, coding as the example
does in the article. I have found an alternative way that seems to work OK:
namely placing the heading element with the header text first (would be the
same text as the graphic as header), then the header graphic with null alt
text afterwards (outside of the heading element). Looks like this:
Current Designs
The heading element has the same class applied to it that Paul provides --
it places that content visually above the page view, but it is still
accessible to AT and to search engine crawlers.
I wonder if I am missing something with the original example (in the
article), which is why I can't get it to work. Any help would be
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