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Re: Making Speaker Notes Accessible as a Tagged PDF


From: Andy LaGow
Date: Oct 6, 2021 12:50PM

There's a larger issue involved from a corporate standpoint, which basically boils down to the devotion to which brands are prioritized over accessibility. This hurdle can be next to impossible to overcome, unless brand guidelines are specifically redesigned for accessibility. I've seen it to some extent, but most designers working today still don't get it. I see this every day.

Andy LaGow
Vice President
Word Wizards, Inc. <https://www.wordwizardsinc.com/>

> On Oct 6, 2021, at 2:38 PM, < <EMAIL REMOVED> > < <EMAIL REMOVED> > wrote:
> David, that's incredible!
> I'm wondering if you could present a short summary of this at the AHG conference next month?
> We keep getting questions from our academic clients on how to bring accessibility into the mainstream...that it becomes just the normal ways things are made.
> You have some great examples.
> — — —
> Bevi Chagnon | Designer, Accessibility Technician | <EMAIL REMOVED>
> — — —
> PubCom: Technologists for Accessible Design + Publishing
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