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Re: Star ratings


From: Radhika Soni
Date: Oct 26, 2021 9:32AM

But it is the star color which is failing for color contrast but the
strokes around it are passing. But the stroke is not thick enough. Is that
What else can be done? Any suggestions?


On Tue, Oct 26, 2021 at 11:24 AM Mark Magennis < <EMAIL REMOVED> >

> For WCAG compliance, as long as the contrasts are sufficient you don't
> need to provide the rating value in text. But for maximum accessibility it
> is a good idea to do that if you can.
> Be careful to consider the screen reader experience too with respect to
> how the text (or lack of it) is read. It must be absolutely clear what the
> rating is and there should be no repetition or unnecessary things read. It
> is more complex if the stars are buttons that you can use to make a rating,
> because then the whole thing should give all the information in a coherent
> way both while tabbing through it and while arrowing through it. It can all
> be made very coherent with a bit of careful design though.